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The film won 2018 Alfred R. Sloan production grant and now screen at 

Leah, a teen girl living in St. Louis City, feels isolated and ignored after moving to a new neighborhood and being bused to a new school in an overwhelmingly white county.

When Leah begins to observe behavioral changes in her little brother, through her research and experimentation she soon discovers that lead is the culprit. Now tasked with finding the source of the contamination and advocating for a systemic overhaul, a girl, once ignored, begins to find her voice.


Starring:  Alexis Bellamy, Delisa Richards, Kate Lingoni, 

Director: Po-Yu Chen

Writer/Producer: Josalynn Smith

Cinematographer: Kevin Galloway

Editor: Po-Yu Chen

Production Designer: Beth Ashby

Music by Trevor Moore
Principal cast: Alexis Bellamy, Delisa Richardson, Kate Lingoni, OJ Bolden, Travis McKee

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